Acma Privacy Policy

ACMA is committed to protecting your online privacy. The information collected through our website is used as described below. This privacy policy does not apply to websites or web pages that are linked to or that can be accessed through this website. ACMA has the right to update its privacy policy at any time. Members will be informed of any changes in due course by email.

What information does ACMA collect?

ACMA collects and stores information that is voluntarily provided to us through this website when members purchase services or products. This information includes names, addresses, contact telephone numbers, and other information related to the type of service or product purchased. ACMA may use cookies on its website so that the website can identify and retrieve information that you have voluntarily provided. When you access the ACMA website, our server collects and stores the date/time, your domain name and the IP address of the website that connected you.

How does the ACMA use your information?

ACMA uses the information it collects to process purchases, pre-fill fields, and simplify the creation of forms and documents. The ACMA only shares information such as name and email address with its subsidiaries to inform members of the preferred services available to those companies. ACMA does not sell or share its members' information with third parties. The ACMA does not publish or disclose member information unless it has prior consent for the purpose of marketing ACMA services or products.